Friday, June 18, 2010


While babysitting, look what started to peek out!  

This made me laugh so hard every time I saw it!   
Such a cutie!


One thing I love about summer/warm weather is drying my clothes on the clothesline in the backyard! 


In other baby news.... We have a baby robin living in our backyard!  How cute is he!  He doesn't know how to fly very well.  His mom left while I was outside, and I was nervous she wouldn't come back.  In my head I kept hearing him say "are you my mother?"

He kept looking up to the sky for his mom!  


I had the pleasure of babysitting my friends 4 month old for two days!  We had a blast together!
I had to take a few pics!  


Our flowers are in full bloom!


I have a little crafting space down in the basement, but it has since become a dumping ground!  As I said in previous posts my parents are moving and have now made the kids take all the "childhood possessions" with them.  So I have been going through boxes and boxes of memories and deciding on what should stay and what should go.  I hope to have my crafting space back soon!  
Summer also = time to organize parts of the house that have gone haywire! 


My parents have been building a new house to grow old in for the past year.  Here is a picture of them in front of their front door.  (We call it the Shrek door because its sooo tall)
How cute are my parents!  They are ageless! 


Whenever summer comes I like to set a goal of books to read.  I have shelves of books at home that I have read, but I also have A LOT of books that I would like to read and haven't made time for it.  I am currently in a bookclub that reads a book a month, so I will be trying more intentionally to read books in between my "required" reading.  Any other good recommendations out there?


Brewer/Cubs game with the teachers from my school.  We had a blast kicking off the summer!

Cheering on the racing sausages! 


Today I tried a new recipe before I went tailgating at the Brewers game.  Its brownies with cookie dough in them!  They were tasty, but to be honest I don't know that I tasted the cookie dough....Super easy


Alright...... this doesn't happen EVER, but Kyle and I ate Sonic in bed the other night!  I am embarrassed as I write this!  It was my first trip to Sonic and it happened to be late at night.  This was a one time occurrence, but it sure was yummy! 


Each winter and spring season we need to change out the storms and screens on the first floor windows of our house.  We have gotten pretty speedy at doing it, but we needed to go back and replace some hooks to make sure the windows aren't flapping in the wind.  Here is Kyle in all his handy work.  Sorry for the poor quality! 

Ta Da!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


At the end of the school year I had the staff over for a cookout.  It happened to be our administrative assistant's birthday as well!  We had a blast giving her "white elephant" gifts and celebrating with cake! 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Moved some rocks from the front yard and made them more useful around my plants in the back


Summer Project:  Paint the Garage.....


My mom hosted a Pampered Chef party, here are a few pics from the night. 
Senor Thomas Catered


K-5 has a pretty big graduation ceremony so the K-4 class has been having a V.I.P picnic where parents can come and hang out, play games, eat yummy treats and enjoy the last day of school.  Here are some pics from our picnic!  (we got to be outside this year!!!)  PS. My students are all beautiful!  I might be a little biased!

Her name starts with a "Y"


My K-4 students were soooo excited to talk about what they would like to do in K-5. 
I did have a parent tell me thought that Elena was sad because she won't be able to give me lots of hugs during the day when she's in K-5.... How cute is that!  If you are ever feeling sad or down, 
go visit a K-4 classroom, they will love you unconditionally.  


Almost time to take down the coathook nametags!  Notice we had to make hook extenders so my kids could hang up their own stuff!  Thanks to Dennis the 3rd grade teacher for being  MacGyver! 


Farm animals came to visit our school.  The kids had blast getting to pet them.  The horse is actually a baby of a miniature horse.  So cute!  The chickens were hatched in the 4th grade classroom incubator.  So it was pretty neat for the students to see them as eggs and now as baby chicks.  
Martin said "those chicks are from my sisters classroom!"  :)  


The new gardens are planted for the season.  I even ended up with one "surprise garden".  A flower had popped up and then my neighbor gave me some flowers and then I had a few marigolds left from the front garden.  
Surprise new garden! 

Front Garden
Crazy surprise flower...I think it may be a lily

Monday, June 14, 2010


Peonies from my yard, love them!


I was honored when my sister in law asked me to take her engagement photos around Milwaukee.  We had a blast with her and her fiance at Miller Park, downtown and near the lake.  Enjoy a few sneak peaks!  Thanks Ter, I had such a blast doing this with you guys!!