Sunday, January 31, 2010

YEAH Month 1 Down!!!

I have officially taken a picture or more each day this month and successfully posted them! YEAH! Everything just takes discipline huh? Here are a few more photos left over from the month.

Kyle and I watching the Grammys in 3D (seriously 3D is taking over my life, and I had these glasses stuffed in a drawer leftover from the super bowl, who knew you would need them again)
I needed some color and happiness in my life and nothing does that better than colorful flowers in the dead of winter! (also one of my favorite things to photograph)

I love how these green flowers look like sea creatures!

Goals for the next month:
  • Pray for warmer weather and start to take more pictures outside- no more of this below 0 stuff!
  • Change out my lenses more and continue to work on using my manual mode
  • Work in Photoshop Elements, Haven't really gotten that far yet :(
  • I will be taking my friend's baby's 6 month pictures next month!


Woke up to this gorgeous lighting in the kitchen this morning


Kyle and I went to go and see Avatar today in 3D! What an incredible movie, I was pleasantly suprised. We splurged and got sodas, this one was SO BIG that I had to use 2 hands to hold it.
No 3D glasses needed to look at this picture.


Playing around with textures.....


Spring break couldn't come fast enough! Plane tickets aren't booked just yet, but ideas are coming together!


It got to be late in the night..... so for my picture of the day, here is my nightstand and lamp


Our wonderful friends Matt and Sarah had their beautiful baby girl on this day! Welcome to the world Adelaide Marie! I am sure there will be more baby pictures to come :)


It's that time of year again! REPORT CARD TIME!


First time making cookies using splenda instead of sugar....not the biggest fan!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


It's been raining here all weekend and its the middle of January.... did I wake up in Seattle???

our yummy snacks these days....thanks Target


warm cozy night in


Ofically went out to the garage to unplug our Christmas decorations....maybe its time for a new lock in the spring too :)


I liked the back-lighting in the first one
Getting ready for Valentines day....and finally putting away the rest of Christmas decorations


lots of salting lately...


Its always a sad day when the Christmas tree makes his way to the curb, tear......the neighbors were in a toss mode too!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


If any of you knew Kyle in college, this planter hung right at the top corner of his bed....needless to say it always gave me the creeps! (even though his aunt and mom made him)

Now when we travel to Green Bay, it is positioned near the window in his room and the plant just keeps on growing. I have now overcome my fear of the troll planter, who has a twinkle in his eye, now that he is moved further away from my resting place.


Today we headed up to Green Bay to attend Braden's Baptism. He is such a good baby, he didn't even make a sound during the baptism. He obviously was pooped from all the action!


My students had a blast "cooking" these little snowflakes snacks. We made snowflakes with big and small marshmallows and pretzels. They were soooo proud of their creations!


Soooo, I knew this might happen throughout the 365 days, here is where pictures from my classroom will start to integrate into this years project.

I was working in a small group teaching/exploring how magnets work and I was taken aback by the amazing color combination. Of course my students let me stop to take a quick picture with my point and shoot camera. (I teach 4 year old Kindergarten)


Today was a quick shot before I headed up to bed.....but alas these cookie cutters make me smile every time I see them. I love my little MN and WI cookie cutters because they are a constant reminder that we are sooo lucky to call 2 states (actually 3 if you count NY) a home. I love that whenever we go to visit friends in MN that it feels like a second home. Thanks MN peeps! Miss you tons, and wish MN was a few hours closer!


I follow a blog of a friend called Good Buy Girls ( and if you are into free photo books or anything to do with photos, these girls know the deals. I found out about ordering a free calendar from Shutterfly. I had no idea how big it would be.....but we'll find a place for it somewhere! I apologize for the bad lighting :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We received the BEST present from our friends in Long Island today!! PACKER Snuggies!! I have never laughed so hard when opening a package! THANKS BESTIES we LOVE them!


I found these while cleaning a drawer the other day....the were on our cake table at our wedding and I thought I could bring them out for Valentines day



Happy, Warmer Shoes :) More Pictures to come!

We were given an amazing present of carpet squares and have taken advantage of them in our basement! I am sooo pumped about this basement improvement!


I saw this adorable idea online about making a memory page for the Christmas cards you receive every year. I never knew what to do with the great photo cards that we receive from friends and family, until I saw this. My aunt had given me a winter scrapbook and what better way to use it then to fill it with a page each year with memories from our Christmas cards. One friend called it my Christmas card yearbook, because of the shape of the pictures (they even joked to have my friends sign near their picture!)


One of my other new years resolution is to hop back on the healthy eating and working out train. Here is a yummy turkey meatball recipe from the South Beach Diet Cookbook and some mashed cauliflower, seriously so good!


For our one year anniversary (paper anniversary symbol) I got my husband the Sunday Newspaper. Here he is enjoying it, makes me smile :)


Washington Heights Neighborhood Street Light