Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Kyle and I went to an apartment building grand opening to see 
our friend's band and to eat some free food and drink free beer! 
Views from the model apartment balcony


These were the cute and delicious bridal shower favors from the wedding.


World Cup 2010 Fever!  We enjoyed watching the game in the comfort of our living room, thinking of my dad and brother who were at the game! 


This August I am standing up in my high school friend's wedding.  I threw a bridal shower/bachelorette party at our house and ended the night downtown in Milwaukee.


Downtown Milwaukee has a festival dedicated to celebrating Bastille Days!  Its a great opportunity to eat great food, hear good music and walk around down town.  Our good buddies, I'm Not A Pilot were playing as well. 


Kyle and I tried to make an ambitious dinner that didn't turn out very well.... but here are some pictures of us enjoying the cooking part!
Final result..... we needed a LOT more time to cook it than the directions recommended. 


Today I went to a Lia Sophia jewlery party at a friend of ours.  I didn't have my camera on me...but this babe was at the party with me!  (Picture from a different day)


Hello, long time no posting!  Sorry friends, here we are with an update of why we have been so busy!

Remember these:
During one of our studio nights I decided to make a new one with different colors: 
Sorry, it hasn't been cut or matted yet! 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


only in Wisconsin....


4th of July at John's on Pewaukee Lake! 


July 3rd, 2010

US Bank Fireworks and Party at Coast and a quick stop at Summerfest with my parents

Brat Corn Dogs! 


I heart summer....


The bunnies that I have a love/hate relationship with in my gardens have now taken to lounging in my yard.....
he didn't even move when I got him and hate him at the same time


Summerfest: to see the I'm Not A Pilot show


Making our own sushi!  Easier than I thought....


Ice Cream Treat in St. Paul at Conny's 
They mix flavors together magically... I had strawberry and chocolate


I made a trip up to St. Paul to visit some college friends.....this was the sky on my 5 hour drive up! 


Lisa and Cody's Wedding Reception: They were married in the Dominican Republic so it was an island theme

Guest "Bench" instead of a book
Lisa and I both babysat these kiddos through our college years


On our last day of Hands On Art Class we had a "working lunch" where we got to set up our art work in the school lunch room and have a mini art show. Our "work" during lunch was to look up and admire the artwork of our classmates  :) 

 What a talented group of teachers!! :) 


Hands On Art Class


Hands On Art Class: Mola Drawing
Oil Pastels