Sunday, August 29, 2010


Long story short, my husband took part in a civilian's race up at Slinger Speedway.  Regular people get to drive cars from the race track and do a 6 lap race.  Everything was going well, until someone clipped the back of Kyle's car and he spun around and meet a cement wall head on.  His airbag open, and the emergency crews raced to get him out of the car.  Standing in the stands, I was shaking and essentially freaking out.  I knew everything would be okay once Kyle stood on top of the car, helmet in one hand, checkered flag in the other and took a bow in front 4,000 spectators.  Someone was watching over him that night!
Sorry for the shaky pics, my hands were shaking like a leaf


I finally got around to making a shadowbox with the stationary from our wedding.  Only 2 years later :) 


Don't worry there is a tent in the living room.....
my mom thought this might fit in my classroom.... My classroom isn't THAT big! 


For book club this month we had a pot luck and invited the husbands to join us.  I made some Italian skewers.  Add ingredients to a stick and pour Newman's Light Balsamic Dressing over them.   Ingredient ideas.... Tomatoes, olives, artichokes, mozzarella or cheese tortellini


Happy 1st Birthday Sienna!!  


Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary Baby! 
When you finish a bottle of wine at Buca's they let you sign the bottle and they hang it on the wall. 


The only good thing about the end of summer is the WI STATE FAIR! 
Here are some pics of us eating our way through the fair.  Thanks Andy for some of the pics :) 
Deep Fried Peanut Butter and Jelly!  AMAZING!
Deep Fried Philly Cheese Steak
Cheeseburger served on a Krispy Cream Bun
Cheese Churds :)
Pork Chop on a Stick
Pig Races
The Infamous Cream Puff
Irish Stew on a Stick (very tastey, not great looking)
S'more on a Stick
Best dessert ever!  Apple Pie on a Stick ala mode
Our new friend.....

Monday, August 16, 2010


We got a chance to head up to Door County for a friend's wedding this August.  There were plenty of opportunities for great pictures!  The wedding took place at an art gallery, with a blue grass band! 


 I have been spending a few days in my classroom getting ready for the 2010-2011 school year.  I can't believe its already here!
My theme this year is camping/outdoors.  I used a lot of adorable owls and cutout of trees and animals that my mom painted.  I hope the 4 year old kindergartners are excited for it! 

Sunday, August 15, 2010


This was a week of playing catch up after our trips.  It included a lot of cleaning and reorganizing.  Sorry for the not so exciting pics this time around.  I did happen to catch some turkeys in the middle of the road though.

  Cleaned the fridge, exciting I know!
I want to plant some flowers like this next year...
Yikes, I even planned some field trips for the school year! 


Kyle and I got a chance to hang out in our old town, NYC, this summer for 5 days!  We had a blast catching up with friends, exploring our old home, and attending a great Italian/ Puerto Rican wedding! 
We stayed on the Upper West Side near Lincoln Center
Ground Zero Construction Zone
My favorite bridge in Central Park
I miss the fruit and flower stands....
Time Square Madness...
Brooklyn Flea Market Lunch
P.S. 79 Teacher Friends!
end of the night

191:365- 196:365

Alright friends and visitors, I have let my summer vacation take over and have updated my photos.  Here is a few at a time so that I don't overwhelm your google reader or whatever you choose to use.  Enjoy the pics! 
This July Kyle and his 2 college roommates did a Sprint Triathlon.  Here are pics from hanging out in Door County, the Triathlon, and from our Godson's 1st birthday party.  
Finished 199th our of 1,000th!!
The cheering squad!  
The Big One Year Old!  
The Big Brother!
So excited to jump into Kyle's arms at the pool!